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Prayer to Brighid of the Sacred Center

Brighid of the Fire, Who burns away sickness and imperfection, Who shapes us as a smith shapes metal, I praise you. Carry my voice to the Heavens! Brighid of the Well, Who washes away disease and grime, Who heals us with a gentle touch, I praise you. Carry my voice to the Underworld below! Brighid of the Tree, of the mighty oak, Who reminds us of our own innate strength, Who connects us to the rest of Nature, I praise you. Carry my voice throughout the Middle Realm! Brighid of the Sacred Center, Connect me to the Three Realms!
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Establishing Spiritual Relationships with Structured Ritual

A stick of incense held by an ash catcher smolders while two blurred candles are lit in the background.  Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay. To establish and sustain newly formed relationships with Spirits, structured ritual is essential. This is similar to a mutual friend formally introducing two people that don't know each other. The conversation might look something like this:  Mutual friend, gesturing toward person B says, "Person A, this is person B."  B waves at A and might say hello.  Mutual friend, gesturing towards A, says, "Person B, this is person A.  A greets B with a wave or hello (or a how are you?). This simple social ritual illustrates a small exchange between A & B facilitated by a mutual friend.  In our case, ritual is the mutual friend that introduces us to any Spirit and in turn introduces Spirits to us. Notice there is a structure to the example.  The structure is decided beforehand (by conventional social rules), and it is used